Many of you are probably thinking that we´ve fallen off the face of the earth...but no, we are still in Costa Rica! And, praise the Lord for that! I´m just going to give a really brief update so as not to try to recount everything that has happened since that last time I blogged.
Orlando continues to be busy at seminary. He has about a year left to finish his mission´s degree. Then, it will be into real life ministry! He is interested in getting involved in one of CFCI ministries called Transformation. The focus is on marginal communities and providing preventitive programs for children and teens. One of the communities in which we are working is called GuararĂ. GuararĂ holds a special place in our hearts because there are two precious girls who live there who spend about one weekend a month at our home. I´m including some photos of the fun times we´ve had with them.
Kellie is still coordinator for Personnel at the CFCI Costa Rica base and is also directing the Short Term Ministry Department. A lot of her job is administrative, but she always enjoys getting out to visit ministries and work with short-termers who come down for a few months at a time.
Well, they say the pictures speak 100 words, so I´ll leave my photos to do the rest of the talking! We love you!